Drain Duty
Water Pipe Maintainer

You do not have to be a microbiologist to clean like one or understand how Hyve works.
Good or beneficial bacteria cultures that are found in food products such as yogurt, kimchi, and kombucha. They provide health benefits when consumed by improving your body’s internal flora. We are bringing the same food-grade power to the surfaces in your home.
Bacteria is a type of microbe. It is a fancy word for an itty bitty creature, which can be good or bad. Unseen by the human eye, they live in you, on you, around you and on your surfaces.
The whole party of microbes. They can be bacteria or fungi, but never a virus.
The communities of microorganisms that are specific to your home and body, no one else’s.
Okay, here is the thing. You have a lot more family members living in your home than you think—billions actually. Since birth, our bodies and the things they encounter are all covered in microbes. We call them family because, for the most part, they are. Mostly, these communities living in, on and around our homes do good and help us. These are what make up our healthy microbiome community. Emphasis on the 'me' in microbiome, because it is your own personal combination of microbes that is different from anyone else's. Like a fingerprint.
When you deploy our beneficial food-grade Hyve worker b's (bacteria) into your hive, they reinforce the good ones already on the surface. They work together to create natural enzymes that break down dirt, grime and other bad microbes. You might ask, “Why not just wipe all the microbes off our surfaces?” First, while you might temporarily remove them, they are impossible to eliminate. Second, by leaving good microbes on your surface, you are protected from over-exposure to bad microbes. Surfaces wiped clean of all microbes are up for grabs, including by the bad guys!
Biofilm forms when a collection of microbes rest on a surface. The microbes work together to create a protective layer that allows them to continue to live, feed and multiply underneath it. This layer is a slimy glue-like substance that not only sticks the microbes to one another, but also sticks to your surfaces.
Biofilm can make it 200 times harder to clean bacteria living under it. When it is not addressed, not only do bad microbes hang out there, but particles can actually break off and spread to other areas of the home. In order to get into this exclusive bacteria party, you have to speak the biofilm’s language. That is where probiotics come in. As good bacteria, probiotics work like undercover cops to get inside the biofilm and break up the party.
Got it?
All surfaces are covered with dirt and bacteria. Some are contained in biofilm.
Cleaned with non-Hyve product – biofilm intact. Most good and bad bacteria killed.
Cleaned with Hyve – biofilm consumed. Harmful bacteria minimized.
Our Overtime Multi-Surface product was tested in a real-life kitchen where new bacteria was introduced everyday through the food prep process. It was tested side-by-side against a widely used disinfectant. The countertop was swabbed for a baseline study and then was cleaned with the Hyve product and the disinfectant. We measured the Salmonella and E. Coli CFU's (colony forming units) over the course of 5 days. At day 3, Salmonella was introduced organically onto the test countertop. The results showed that Overtime was able to control Salmonella when it was introduced, whereas the disinfectant was NOT able to. Click this link to read through our testing results.