
Faces of hyve: Kasey

Faces of hyve: Kasey

2 minute read

hyve is mighty, but we are in fact a small team! Along with Shreya, founder of hyve, there is me – Kasey! I’m a Texas native, born in Austin, however spent most of my life in California before moving back to Austin in 2017. My husband Sean and I have two kiddos, who often make appearances on our social media. We also have an English cream golden retriever, Dodger, who also tends to show his face on our page!

In this season of life with two little ones, we play outside a lot, enjoy spending time with our neighbors (fun fact – Shreya and I used to be neighbors!) and I like cooking and trying out new recipes. Thanks to my four-year-old, we are now a Nascar loving family too. We love listening to music and have lots of dance parties. The Greatest Showman is a family favorite.

I graduated from University of Hawaii with a degree in communications. I spent post-college years doing marketing and PR for small lifestyle brands and then worked for local government in the communications office. So, I’ve always enjoyed spreading the word about things!

I joined Shreya in May of 2022 to assist with marketing, social media and all things right-hand-woman. Owning a small business is not for the faint of heart and it’s been incredible to learn the ins and outs, celebrate small wins and share my own journey. I’ve learned a lot and my eyes have been opened to SO much!

When I thought I was making better choices in the aisles of Target, I was purchasing Seventh Generation before I knew about greenwashing – ugh. And now that I know more, it makes me even more upset! We don’t live a total non-toxic life, but having a safer cleaner in the house makes me feel so much better. The kids and our dog live here too and I want our house to be a safe place for them. Every small change we make lessens the toxic load in our home and I’m so thankful I found Shreya and hyve!

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